


六本木・東京ミッドタウン 「WISE・WISE tools」閉店のお知らせ

六本木・東京ミッドタウン 「WISE・WISE tools」閉店のお知らせ

いつもWISE・WISE toolsにご来店いただきまして、誠に有難うございます。

突然のお知らせとなりますが、この度六本木・東京ミッドタウン「WISE・WISE tools(ワイス・ワイストゥールス)」は2025年1月5日をもちまして閉店することになりました。

1月6日以降は当面の間WISE・WISE tools Online Shopのみの営業となりますが、
今後とも、“日々の生活を豊かにする暮らしの道具”をお伝えするWISE・WISE toolsをどうぞ宜しくお願い致します。

WISE・WISE tools スタッフ一同

その他のお問い合わせ:株式会社 ワイス・ワイス TEL. 03-6258-1345 >>ワイス・ワイス企業ページ

Thank you very much for visiting our store WISE-WISE tools.

We are sorry to inform you of a sudden announcement that WISE-WISE tools in Tokyo Midtown, Roppongi, will close on 5 January 2025.
Since its opening in March 2007, when Tokyo Midtown opened, we have been able to continue our business with the support of our customers who have patronized us for a long time and all the artists and artisans who have delivered their wonderful works to us. The entire staff would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

After 6 January, only the WISE-WISE tools Online Store is going to be open for business for the time being, but we keep on introducing “daily life tools to enrich your everyday life” so hope you will look forward to it.

Your continued patronage of WISE-WISE tools would be much appreciated.


Daily Information
